Monday, June 8, 2015

Shed bagging again

1 comment:

Roll Cage Mary said...

Long story short..I used to live in Whitiora back in 1980. Aussie barmaid
at the Glenview Hotel out there on Ohaupo Road. Reckon the Dodderyoldfart
might have admired my nubile 19-year-old curves. Reckon he might have been
up in Hamilton for the 1980 Fieldays, which stands out in my memory. Was never
crash hot with math. Couldn't add up to save myself, so reckon lots of
punters got discounted drinks those Fieldays.

On this road less graveled, I was searching for info on the Madonna Falls on
SH4, which led me to restarea300, and after taking the cyber Tikitour, I
thought I'd say hooray, as you seem to be the only bastard who hasn't
popped their clogs or given up crapping on.

Simon sez go and get fucked....that's if you can still pull a bird.