Saturday, September 25, 2010


I hoped to have lots of new pictures of the Tararuas but:

the weather was foul
the wife forgot to pack the camera- having said she would.

So I will paste some pictures from government websites, as I have already paid for them!

The top one is the Mitre Flats hut- about 4 hours up the valley from where we stayed. The track is classic Tararuas tramping (absolute ankle-twisting shit)

The second is Jumbo Hut- an uphill grunt of 2-4 hours depending on your fitness and ability to take pain.


Anonymous said...

Recently a friend tramping the Tararuas fell over a ledge and ended up in the hospital. People tell me the Tararuas are harder than you think!

Oswald Bastable said...

A LOT of people underestimate the Tararuas.

Many of them have not lived to tell the tale. By international standards they are low and not that cold- but it's the wet and wind chill factor that gets them. As well as drowning in rivers that can come up in a flash.